This figure illustrates how continuum-solvation models like the PCM mimic the presence of a solvent (generally any dielectric environment): They create a molecular cavity on which charges (the so-called apparent surface charge) are placed, here represented by colored beads (negative blue, positive red). Try to guess which molecule this cavity is for.

Initial electron transfer (transparent, electron in blue, hole in red) of a CT state on a typical TADF emitter, and the ensuing orbital relaxation (solid, density increase in blue, decrease in orange). The picture has been generated by combining TD-DFT and the ROKS/PCM calculations, of which only the latter explicitly includes orbital relaxation effects.

Mean Deviation and Mean Absolute Deviation for ROKS/PCM and TD-DFT-based methods for STGABS27 (numerical values for all emitters shown in the plot on the right).

Charge-Transfer States and Their Description

Work with Andreas Dreuw, John Herbert, Lukas Kunze, and Thomas Froitzheim

These projects emerged from my Master's and PhD theses, in which I studied a charged molecule's photochemical reactivity (light-triggered CO2-release) in solution. However, this left me frustrated: Virtually no software could carry out excited-state calculations in the presence of a solvent, particularly for long solvent-equilibrated states. In general, you want to be able to describe equilibrium and non-equilibrium regimes of solvation (>> 1 ps and << 1 ps, respectively). While the environment can strongly influence polar molecules' absorption, emission, and photochemistry, it becomes decisive as soon as charge-transfer states are involved. To have an accurate model for CT states and to overcome this limitation, I decided to develop and implement a versatile state-specific polarizable-continuum-solvation model (SS-PCM) for excited states, which became the major project of my PhD (here and here).

I interfaced the SS-PCM not only with ADC (Algebraic-Diagrammatic Construction, a wavefunction-based excited-state method) developed in the group of Andreas Dreuw, but also to TD-DFT and some functionality also for EOM-CCSD, all of which are available in the Q-Chem software. For testing purposes, I applied it to various interesting systems, often with charge-transfer states such as nitrobenzene derivatives and dimethylamino-benzonitrile (DMABN), whose solvatochromism was accurately predicted (MAD <0.05 eV). I even entered an actual lab and recorded some missing experimental reference data. These projects pushed me towards organic light-emitting diode (OLED) materials and, specifically, thermally-activated delayed fluorescence (TADF), where change-transfer (CT) states and the molecular environment play important roles.

Eventually, I employed the ADC/SS-PCM approach as a reference to test another - more efficient - SCF-based approach for the description of CT states (here) to be able to treat much larger molecules. Later, in a project with PhD student Lukas Kunze, we combined the maximum-overlap method (MOM) and restricted open-shell Kohn-Sham (ROKS) with state-of-the-art density functionals (optimally-tuned range-separated hybrids) with a PCM solvation model. A key aspect of this approach is that CT states are technically obtained as the Kohn-Sham ground state, which avoids many pitfalls of TDDFT and the available solvation models like LR-PCM. The most recent publication impressively demonstrates this by accurately recovering experimental singlet-triplet energy splittings with sub-kcal/mol precision (MAD 0.02-0.05 eV depending on the functional and method).

Next, we tried to formulate TD-DFT-based approach that yields similarly accurate singlet-triplet gaps for STAGBS27, though with mixed success: no physically sound TD-DFT prediction gets even close to ROKS/PCM, no matter which solvent models and/or (optimal)-tuning protocols are applied. Combining proper solvent models like SS-PCM equilibrium solvation and optimally-tuned range-separated functionals yields an okay agreement with the experiment (MAD of about 0.10 eV instead of 0.02 eV for ROKS/PCM, but with many large deviations, see below). Still, it is not nearly as good as ROKS/PCM. Further, lowering the error requires making physically questionable choices and relying heavily on error compensation. For example, with ground-state geometries and functionals with a very low amount of Fock Exchange (about 10%), the MAD moves into 0.05 eV territory. Still, excitation/emission energies are much too low (by as much as 1 eV).

Currently, we are testing high-level approaches like ADC(2)/SS-PCM, DFT-MRCI, and delta-SCF combined with post-HF correlation treatments on the STGABS27 set. The first results nicely agree with ROKS/PCM, specifically for SCS-ADC(2)/SS-PCM: This method reproduces even the outliers observed with ROKS/PCM and generally agrees to within 0.02 eV. The same holds for delta-CCSD/PCM, which is only possible for the smallest systems.

Experimental (black) and calculated singlet-triplet gaps ∆E(S-T) for the emitters of the STGABS27 benchmark set. The calculated values are given for the most accurate TD-DFT-based methods, which are, plain PBE0//SS-PCM (red), optimally tuned (OT)-LC-ωPBE//pt(SS+LR)-PCM (yellow), OT(solv)-LC-ωPBE//LR-PCM (blue, OT in the presence of a solvent/PCM), all with consistently optimized S1 and T1 geometries, and OT(solv)-LC-ωPBE//LR-PCM (cyan) for the ground-state PBEh-3c geometry. ε = 3.0 was used as the dielectric constant in all calculations. For reference, the most accurate ROKS/PCM-based method, OT-ωB97M-V//PCM, is depicted in green.